Things That Went Wrong This Week


 After the Wednesday boot-sale I’d planned to visit a couple of churches in small villages to the east of Needham Market. I went to three and they were all locked……… much for that plan!……….I went home again and spent the afternoon sorting out exactly what was in two drawers in the TV unit. There was a box with a large collection of keys – not for anything here – and all sorts of other bits and bobs.

A bundle of wires and an old telephone

The other two drawers have CDs and DVD’s and I decided to put all my old Kevin Costner DVD’s in the charity shop bag – can’t remember the last time I watched one.

The boiler has gone wrong again, big wet patch on the garage floor and low pressure light on and even when I let water in it only lasts for a few hours. Repair man called – although I think I need a new boiler. Then my phone decided to play up so I zoomed down to Tesco in Stowmarket and  the lady in the phone shop fiddled with it and got it sorted and later on the same day I went down with a cold – no doubt  caught from grandchildren on Saturday. Spent the rest of the day sneezing and drinking lemon and honey in hot water.

So we got car issues sorted and then a week of other problems – Hey Ho!

On a dry morning Brother in Law came and cut the grass for me with his proper mower as it was too long and wet for my re-chargeable battery mower to cope with. He can get it much shorter too and it always looks so tidy – for a while. 

Hope there is some more dry weather over the weekend, everyone I speak to is so fed up with the rain and grey days, even people who don’t usually take a lot of notice have had enough of it this year.

Thank you to everyone for comments over the last couple of days and apologies for not replying. My excuse being that I’ve so many good library books to read this month.

Back Monday – if there is anything to write about.

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