Reading The Seasons – SPRING


 I’ve  had a brilliant idea!  How about Reading The Seasons. Reading as many books as I can  with Spring in their titles during March, April and May, with Summer titles in summer etc etc

All because of one of the books that I picked up earlier in the month off the library ‘for sale’ shelf.

 I’ll add a label and write about the books as I finish (or abandon) them. I could add books written by people whose name is Spring too I guess but that might make too many as there are other books to read each month as well – and  I read all of Howard Spring’s books 45 years ago.

I had a search on the library website for others and spotted that ‘ Across a Waking Land; A 1,000 Mile Walk Through a British Spring’ was on the shelves in Stowmarket Library so picked that up the following week.

And these are the others I’m going to reserve from the library to add to the two above.

‘The Consolation of Nature; Spring in the time of Coronavirus’ by Michael McCarthy
‘Absent in the Spring’ by Agatha Christie (writing as Mary Westmacott)
‘Spring of Hope’ by Cora Harrison
I might get fed up with the whole idea but it seemed like a plan at the time.
Anyone else want to join in?
No idea what’s happening this weekend, and everywhere is still too wet to do much, but there’s Six Nations Rugby on TV and more of the snooker and I ought to walk up the lane and take some photos of the Oak tree for the Following a Tree post. Son might want to borrow my car so they can go ‘new’ car hunting – haven’t heard what’s happening yet.
Back Monday…….if there’s anything to write about!

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