Not on the To-Do List and Not Too Cold


I’m still hibernating at home – and loving it – which gives plenty of time for the jobs-to-do list and to do things that hadn’t been added to the list including making another batch of cold-cure soup just in case of more colds this winter. The chili pepper was supposed to be a mild one and I didn’t take care when chopping it up – which was much regretted later! 

I also remembered I’d bought a bag of mixed nuts to make some spiced nuts as another January treat. Didn’t put them in the two hampers this time. So half the bag was roasted  – very delicious – probably a bit too more-ish  and too quickly eaten. I’ll leave the other half for later in the month.

The actual To-Do list is shrinking and I finally got around to sorting the grandchildren’s toys and craft stuff on the shelves in the small bedroom. Another few things went into the charity shop bag.

The weather forecast of icy cold didn’t seem very accurate early in the week as both Sunday and Monday mornings were grey and damp instead, Tuesday there was a touch of frost on the car roof but nowhere else. The water company were working on a leak on Tuesday and while they were doing it lots of water ran down the road past the bungalow which might have caused a sheet of ice for Wednesday morning but luckily Wednesday was also not as cold as the forecast either.
As our weather mostly comes from the west I’m hoping we don’t get the nasty stuff that’s been happening in parts of the US.

Another book from my shelves has been finished before the library van comes round today bringing me at least 9 books.

Tom Morton has done many jobs in his life but now owns a small bookshop IN Shetland – and you must never say ON Shetland and they are never called the Shetland Isles. Also confusing is Mainland which doesn’t mean the mainland of Scotland – just the largest area of Shetland!
There is very little about the  bookshop in the book, it’s really just one man’s look at his home and favourite place and the quirks of living so far north- a twelve hour boat trip away. It was an interesting and quick read.
Back Tomorrow

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