Moyse's Hall Museum


 A charity shop find from several years ago was this little pottery piece, made in Suffolk by Mudlen End Pottery in Felsham – no longer in existence. The pottery did all sorts of village houses and churches.

And this is the actual building which has been standing  in Bury St Edmunds town centre for over 800 years
I hadn’t been in there for years so decided to pop in for a look round. Unfortunately I picked a time when they are between special exhibitions, so only their regular stuff was open to see but that meant the entrance cost was halved.

The Clock Room. These clocks and time pieces and many, many more once had a whole museum to themselves in Bury St Edmunds after being left to the town by Frederic Greshom Parkington many years ago. It closed several years ago and the clocks came here to  Moyse’s Hall but they don’t have room for all of them to be on display.

Everything below is in their Witchcraft and Crime and Punishment galleries which I’d seen before, many years ago. The Murder in the Red Barn items are the most famous and very gruesome.

William Corder murdered his lover Maria Marten in the Red Barn Polstead in 1827. Weirdly it was a well known story right into the 1960s
Below is the famous book with cover made from the skin and the scalp of William Corder

And another gruesome story in the museum.

Below is the only book from the Abbey to remain in a collection readily available for people to see. ( I went and saw some of the other  books in the Cathedral when they had them on display two years ago)

And some big lumps of carved stone from the abbey.

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