I is for In Between


 For 20 years  ages 0 – 20 I lived in a hamlet between two villages and then at the smallholding 23 years in between two villages again. 

This photo below is Wetherden in the 80’s. This is where I went to primary school in the 60’s .( The school is just to NW of centre with the field beside and behind it and is now a house) But we didn’t live in Wetherden as our hamlet was officially in Haughley.  Wetherden was only half a mile along a quiet road. All the children in the hamlet went to Wetherden school and we walked there and back everyday. But Haughley village was a mile and a half away, much of the way along the busy road then called the A45.

So we weren’t really part of either village. The Wetherden history group aren’t really interested in where we lived and neither are the Haughley History society.

The photo was on display at the recent Wetherden History Group open day – I always go and look each year if I can, in case they’ve found some more photos of people I was at primary school with. 

At the smallholding we were in between two villages again –  Knodishall and Friston. Closer to Friston but counted as being in Knodishall. Not really part of either village again.

It’s no wonder I’ve never really called any village  my home village
And of course being born in 1955 am I a child of the 50’s or the 60’s ? 
Back Tomorrow

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