Another Weather Folklore Book?


There were several house clearance people at a Saturday boot sale a few weeks back, they always have boxes on the ground with everything all mixed up so it’s back breaking to look through – especially as early in the morning as 8am.

I found this book  – and thought “oh, a weather folklore book I’ve never seen before” 

I picked it up as well as this old guide book to Sutton Hoo ready for my visit, and offered the bloke 50p for both which he took.

I soon found out why I’d not seen the weather book before

It’s from the US, although all the weather sayings linked to the months of the year in the first few pages are ones that are in my weather folklore books here although later in the book are some predictions I’d not come across before.
But I’d never seen this variation on the days of the month rhyme – not sure it’s true of anywhere!

Once I have a good read of it there might be some bits to use on the blog.
Back Tomorrow

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