Anyone Need a Bookmark?


 I was looking to see if I could find anymore Bic biro pens as the ones I got a while ago from a boot sale had almost run out except the red ones, and I don’t like writing in red .So I had a tidy of the small drawer in my coffee table (writing case, address book, accounts book, book of books read, squares of card for shopping lists, pens, pencils etc) and then a drawer in the chest of drawers in my bedroom that holds rolls of sellotape, masking tape, parcel tape, pritt stick glue, jars of paperclips, drawing pins, elastic bands and many more random things that don’t have a home anywhere else now  I don’t have a craft room and desk.
I didn’t find any more pens but I did collect together all these bookmarks. As I only ever read one book at a time I doubt I’ll need most of these. What’s odd is that all those in the middle are from Persephone Books and feature the end papers from their books which are always material patterns dating from the period in which the book is set and on the back is a precis of the story. They include them with the books when they sell them and with their Biannually Newsletter.
But I’ve not had many brand new Persephone books  and don’t always receive the Biannually Newsletter so most of these must have been in second-hand books (Haven’t found a Persephone in a charity shop for ages…..sadly).

The tattiest ones are now in the bin and the Persephone’s will fill a page in my scrapbook………… because I really don’t need 20 book marks in my drawers or in my life!
Back Tomorrow

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